Curio 8.4.1 Release Notes

Release Date

March 25, 2013


Curio 8 runs on macOS Lion (10.7) or Mountain Lion (10.8).

Performance Tweaks

  • Much faster project loading! Curio can now load large, complex projects as much as 40% faster, primarily due to the removal of unnecessary font calculations.
  • Much faster PDF handling! Curio now internally caches loaded PDF documents more effectively which brings several big speed improvements, especially with large, complex PDF's spread across multiple idea spaces.
    • Stepping between these idea spaces is now much faster, as the loaded PDF is shared in memory instead of getting loaded from disk every time for each figure.
    • The 700 page Aperture user manual—filled with images which makes this a particularly complex PDF—now spreads with 6 pages per idea space in just 2 seconds down from 4 seconds.
    • Even better, 15 seconds later all the previews for those 115 generated idea spaces have been updated in the background. Previously Curio didn't generate those previews until you manually stepped through each idea space.
  • Speaking of which, Curio will now scan your project after loading and generate previews in the background for any idea spaces that don't have up-to-date previews.
  • Removed an unnecessary re-layout call when mind maps and other collection figures are loaded. This means idea spaces will open a bit faster and mind maps won't shift around between openings.

Notable Tweaks

  • Curio now supports a new Format > Set as Default Style for Relationship Line Figure to change the style associated with a mind map relationship line.
  • The Evernote shelf now shows updated previews for notes that are images, as they are downloaded and cached.
  • The Curio User Manual has been updated to discuss Evernote Business.
  • Nicer resize handles for larger figures.

Notable Fixes

  • The Status shelf will no longer attempt to switch to a clicked-on project if that project no longer exists.
  • Fixed a bug where moving a grouped figure that contains a sticky line didn't work correctly.
  • Fixed a rare and very strange crash when trying to resolve a broken alias that happens to contain a percent sign in the file name.
  • Fixed crash which could occur when using the line height up/down arrows in the Paragraph inspector popover on an RTF Organizer document.
  • Fixed issue where using the prune function on a collapsed collection node resulted in a new collection with a permanently collapsed hierarchy. Related: made it so it's possible to expand one of these already broken collections via the spacebar.
  • Added safety checks to Curio's undo manager to more easily recover from rare undo stack corruption issues ("undo was called with too many nested undo groups").

Power-User Preferences

  • By default your personal Curio application support folder is at ~/Library/Application Support/Curio. However, if you would like to change this to something else, like a synced Dropbox folder, then move it over there and type the following in Applications > Utilities > Terminal: defaults write com.zengobi.curio "Application Support Folder" -string "~/Dropbox/Application Support/Curio"
  • Curio will now generate previews in the background for any idea spaces that don't have up-to-date previews. Normally we spawn off a single background thread as that seems to work well with PDFKit's frustratingly fragile rendering system. However, if you want to turn this feature off completely or if you want to specify more threads then type a number for the following in Applications > Utilities > Terminal: defaults write com.zengobi.curio "Preview Generator Threads" -int 1
  • If you would like to see what the idea space preview generator is doing in the background then type the following in Applications > Utilities > Terminal: defaults write com.zengobi.curio "Preview Generator Log" -bool yes
  • Normally if you drag a folder into Curio we insert it as an alias, regardless of whether the Option key is pressed or not. We do this primarily to reduce confusion: while an embedded or aliased folder is considered an asset in Curio, the contents of the folder are not, so you cannot tag, search, or do anything with those contained files within Curio but only via the Finder instead. By forcing folders to be an alias, the folder truly lives outside of Curio and it makes sense that the contained files are not true Curio assets.

    If, however, you wish to allow embedded folders and understand that while the folder and its contents exist within your Curio project's package the contents are not true assets, and where, like dragged-in files, they will be added as embedded copies by default and aliases only if Option is held down during the drag, then type the following in Applications > Utilities > Terminal: defaults write com.zengobi.curio "Force Alias To Folders" -bool no