Curio 8.6.1 Release Notes

Release Date

May 23, 2013


Curio 8 runs on macOS Lion (10.7) or Mountain Lion (10.8).

Notable Tweaks

  • Smarter Figure Selection
    A tweak to figure selection should make wireframing and prototyping easier in Curio. If a simple shaped figure (with no text or associated file) geometrically encloses some other figures, and this frame figure is not already selected, then you can now click and drag-select to select multiple figures within that enclosing figure. To select the frame figure itself you have to click along its border. Once the frame figure is selected then you can click and drag anywhere within it to move it around. If the figure doesn't enclose any smaller figures then you don't have to click its frame and it behaves like a normal figure.
  • Advanced Full Screen Prefs
    When entering into full screen mode (via View > Enter Full Screen) Curio can automatically hide the inspector, toolbar, Organizer, and/or Shelf. Hiding all of those auxiliary views has become my favorite way of working within Curio. Distraction-free brainstorming at its finest! See details in the Curio Advanced Settings.
  • Quicker Editing of Collections
    If a collection figure (list, mind map, table, index card) is selected and you press the Return key, Curio will now start editing an appropriate figure within the collection such as the mind map central topic, the title of a list (if visible) or index card, or the first body cell of a table.
  • More Useful Group Context Menu
    When right-clicking on a grouped figure that contains one or more asset figures you can now choose Open File with Finder, Copy to Desktop, and other similar methods.
  • Bookmark Menu Tweak
    If a bookmark or bookmark figure exists for the active idea space then those entries in the bookmark menu will appear with check marks so you can quickly identify them.
  • Better Text Autowrapping
    Now correctly autowrapping text figures typed on the idea space, outside of a collection, as specified by the "Asset Figure Text Width Constraint" setting (default is 600 pixels) mentioned in Curio Advanced Settings. However, if the text is a fixed pitch then we don't autowrap because we assume it's code of some sort.
  • More Advanced Settings
    Lots of new additions have been made to the Curio Advanced Settings guide.

Notable Fixes

  • Modified set idea space previews so they cannot cause a UI refresh on a background thread, which can lead to rare crashes.
  • New synchronization locks around setting and getting idea space asset previews to prevent another rare crash in the Organizer.
  • Fixed a crash area when indenting, undenting, or removing an item in the Organizer.
  • Nipped a subtle timing issue that could cause a crash in the Library or the Organizer when switching beween projects.
  • Holding the Option key down while clicking the zoom buttons on either side of the zoom slider will now correctly set a zoom state that is restored between project loads.
  • Choosing View > Show Inspector will now automatically refresh the inspector based on the current selection as it re-appears.
  • Fixed minor issue on Resources panel where you couldn't add multiple resources with empty email addresses.
  • Fixed issue where expanding a collapsed mind map or list node wouldn't automatically trigger an idea space resize if necessary.