Curio 16 Release Notes 📖

Release Date

June 1, 2021


Curio 16 runs on macOS Mojave 10.14 through macOS Big Sur 11 on Apple silicon or Intel.

Feature Availability

Features only available in certain editions will be listed with colored tags, like .

New Features

Custom Variables

Using the new Custom Variables project inspector panel you can now create global and per-project custom variables, such as Author and Class, which can then be used throughout Curio using the variable markup syntax, such as {{Author}}. Those variables are then replaced dynamically when rendered.

CustomVariablesGlobal CustomVariablesProject CustomVariablesAutocomplete

Meta Adornment Popups

New popups appear when clicking priority, rating, or bookmark figure adornments.

Priority Context Menu Rating Context Menu Bookmark Context Menu

Or hold Option and click to cycle through their values, or hold Shift and click to cycle through in reverse order.


iMac Inspired Color Themes

New appearance themes have been added that match Apple's colorful new iMacs.

SpringThemeBlue SpringThemeGreen SpringThemeOrange

SpringThemePink SpringThemePurple SpringThemeYellow

More Improvements

  • Custom figure data has been extended so you can use the {%FigureCustomData} variable to output a specific variable's formatted value, for example: {%FigureCustomData:Price}.
  • In addition to supporting the common ==highlight== markdown syntax, and Roam's ^^highlight^^ syntax, Curio now supports the Ulysses and Bear ::highlight:: syntax.
  • If you have an URL web link on the clipboard then a new Paste As > Markdown Link menu item allows you to easily paste that link as markdown-formated link syntax.
  • By default Curio will no longer force a link color which means links will match the figure's text color although still underlined. You can override this with the Link Color advanced preference.
  • New variables {%ProjectURL}, {%IdeaSpaceURL}, and {%FigureURL} which are dynamically replaced with the project, idea space, or figure hyperlink curio:// URL's which can be useful when exporting.
  • New Display Time In Adornment advanced preference.
  • The tag inspector now shows keyboard shortcuts in their own column, instead of overloading the title.
  • New floating bezel window appears briefly when you press certain invisible shortcuts like G and g to toggle grid visibility/snapping, s for edge figure snapping, c for center figure snapping.


  • Fixed issue where tabbed windows weren't working with Curio themed windows.
  • Fixed issue where rearranging mind map or list nodes, then undoing a move, then rearranging more could end up with a mysterious empty node that can't be removed.
  • Made the alias arrow on asset preview images so it's a more logical size. Plus a preference you can enable so the alias icon resizes with the figure preview: Asset Figure Preview Alias Icon Resizes.
  • The idea space style gallery window and shelf gallery are now forced to have a white background when in dark mode (like the figure galleries) so the styles are more discernible. You can remove this change by disabling the Idea Space Style Gallery Light advanced preference.
  • Fixed ghost PDF image if you attempt to jump to a location within a PDF figure which is already in edit annotation mode.
  • Additional fixes for double-click to rename tag or tag set in its inspector.
  • Fixed issue with underscores in markdown link titles being rendered as italics.
  • Fixed a restoration issue with the splitter location between sections and Organizer items.
  • Fixed markdown rendering issue when multiple markdown links are in the same text figure.
  • Fixed line inspector images for straight, curved, and orthogonal line styles.
  • Much sharper images when printing or exporting to PDF as we're using the full-sized image instead of the resampled and cached version used for idea space drawing on screen.
  • Fixed issue where text styles in galleries could get drawn without 'Text' placeholder.


  • Faster Asset Figure Performance
    Faster dragging of non-image asset figures displayed as preview, especially when first dragged into Curio. No longer caching non-image asset figure Quick Look previews to disk, instead will load the preview on idea space load just like image figures, saving disk space and reducing risk of showing a stale preview. Asset figures displayed as icon are now loaded much faster.
  • Faster Transparent Background Images
    Significantly improved idea space drawing performance with background images set to an opacity of less than 100%.