Curio 5.2 Release Notes

Release Date

October 28, 2008


Curio runs on macOS Leopard (10.5). OS X Tiger (10.4) is no longer supported!

New Features

Multipoint Lines

Right-click on a line and you can insert one or more midpoints. Right-click on midpoint to remove it, or you can remove all midpoints. Each midpoint can stick to another figure just like normal endpoints.

External Hyperlinks

Curio now supports hyperlinks that can be used outside of Curio which point to idea space or figures within a Curio project.

Creating an external hyperlink to an idea space

  1. Right-click on the idea space background and choose Copy As > External Hyperlink.
  2. An URL will be added to the clipboard for pasting elsewhere.
    Example: curio:///Users/gbrowning/Desktop/test.curio?ideaspace=0D1D0B32-8206-49A9-A91E-2EBE679B2041

Creating an external hyperlink to a figure on an idea space

  1. Right-click on a figure and choose Copy As > External Hyperlink.
  2. An URL will be added to the clipboard for pasting elsewhere.
    Example: curio:///Users/gbrowning/Desktop/test.curio?ideaspace=0D1D0B32-8206-49A9-A91E-2EBE679B2041&figure=538E96AF-151A-45A2-B73C-967D46887051

Insert Variables

Via the Insert > Variable menu, you can now insert special variables into your text figures that will be dynamically replaced with things like the idea space name or project title. Dates and times will automatically be European or 24-hour style, respectively, if International settings are set up in System Preferences. Here's a complete list of variables currently supported with an example:

  1. {%ProjectTitle} = My Project Name
  2. {%IdeaSpaceTitle} = This Idea Space Title
  3. {%IdeaSpaceDateAddedShort} = 10/2/08
  4. {%IdeaSpaceDateAddedMedium} = Oct 2, 2008
  5. {%IdeaSpaceDateAddedLong} = October 2, 2008
  6. {%IdeaSpaceTimeAddedShort} = 11:06 AM
  7. {%IdeaSpaceTimeAddedMedium} = 11:06:09 AM
  8. {%FigureDateAddedShort} = 10/6/08
  9. {%FigureDateAddedMedium} = Oct 6, 2008
  10. {%FigureDateAddedLong} = October 6, 2008
  11. {%FigureTimeAddedShort} = 4:25 PM
  12. {%FigureTimeAddedMedium} = 4:25:53 PM

Scrapbook Shelf Improvements

You can now drag text snippets from outside of Curio into the Scrapbook shelf. And, if the snippet is from a Safari webpage, we'll also append the URL the snippet came from to the text.

Status Shelf Improvements

  1. Added a new "Tomorrow" grouping for dates so you can easily see what starts or is due tomorrow.
  2. The Status shelf now remembers the expand/collapse state of the results groupings.
  3. Placeholder text figures (that is, text figures with no text) are now ignored in all Search and Status shelf results.

Search Shelf Improvements

  1. You can now save your search criteria while viewing the search results.
  2. When a search is active the title bar prominently states [SEARCH ACTIVE] so you know why some items are grayed out.
  3. Placeholder text figures (that is, text figures with no text) are now ignored in all Search and Status shelf results.
  4. Search now finds embedded Mail messages correctly.

Notable Fixes

  • When you set a priority of an item to "none" this no longer hides all the priorities for any other items on that hierarchical level in a list or mind map.
  • Fixed an odd and fortunately very rare refcount issue which could prevent idea spaces from loading up correctly.
  • Fixed dossiers so they are correctly encrypted if the project is password protected.
  • Now making sure you can't accidently cut all the top level idea spaces.
  • Fixed problem where a dragged-in URL from Safari could become an invalid URL figure within Curio and not correctly handle double-clicks to open.
  • Fixed a rare threading problem which could result in a random crash of Curio when adding new items to an idea space.
  • Fixed issue where the Organizer would sometimes forget that a idea space tree should be collapsed.
  • Fixed problem where collapsing the Dates inspector in the shelf didn't actually "fold up" the view.
  • Performing a "Save As" will no longer inadvertently convert any aliased assets into embedded assets.
  • Fixed another problem where idea spaces in the Organizer would forget their collapsed state.