Curio 8.3.1 Release Notes

Release Date

March 4, 2013


Curio 8 runs on macOS Lion (10.7) or Mountain Lion (10.8).

Notable Fixes

  • Curio's new Organizer Documents feature now correctly displays movies and other file types dragged to the Organizer.
  • You can no longer move the Status splitter too far and obscure required controls.
  • Dragging in a file, then right-clicking to turn it into a preview, results in a correctly-sized preview image.
  • When you enable start and due dates for multiple items in a list, those initial due dates and durations now have correct default values.
  • If you spread a color palette to a mind map or list node that doesn't have children yet then it will remember that state and any children added in the future will adopt the color style.
  • If you spread a color palette around the siblings in a map or list then change a text attribute (such as bold or font size) of one of those siblings then use the Siblings tab to send that style to its siblings, Curio will send the text attribute changes around without changing all of the colors associated with those nodes.
  • If you drag-and-drop a branch of nodes to a parent while is inheriting its colors then the dropped branch will now adopt those same colorings.
  • When you change the style of all the figures on a hierarchical level in a list or mind map Curio will now dynamically check to see if all the items have the same style and, if so, make this the de facto style for the level. This makes creating and saving new styles much easier to do. And things like creating a new list and increasing the font size of the one and only item within will automatically update the level style and update the prefix height accordingly.

Power-User Preferences

  • Normally if a local HTML file is dragged to the Organizer as an Organizer Document then the raw source text will be displayed within an editable text editor. If you wish to render the HTML in a WebView instead, which is how web URLs are shown, then type the following in Applications > Utilities > Terminal: defaults write com.zengobi.curio "Organizer Display HTML In WebView" -bool yes